This Class holds all of the information regarding camera matrices and transforms of them.
Member Fields
Field | Type | Notes |
Member Functions
(constructor) | |
A list of postions in world coordinates of the cameras in the setup. |
Returns a vector of matrices where each item is a camera’s distortion matrix. The index of the matrix follows the index of the list of cameras. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 3x4 projection matrix but stored as an Eigen matrix instead of an opencv type. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is the extrinsic matrix for that camera. The extrinsic matrix is the inverse of the pose matrix. The camera’s extrinsic matrix describes the camera’s location in the world, and what direction it’s pointing. In other words, it takes world coordinates and transforms them into camera coordinates. |
These functions return the principle point for the camera. The principle point is the point in image coordinates where the principle ray intersects the image plane. The principle ray is the ray that goes through the pinhole of the camera. |
Initialize everything by passing a path to the camera calibration matrices file. |
We don’t need more than one CamMats object hanging around for a single project, so we share it. This method gives you access to that shared object. |
A vector of matrices corresponding to cameras with the same index. Each matrix is the intrinsic matrix of the camera. |
A vector of matrices corresponding to cameras with the same index. Each matrix is the intrinsic matrix of the camera multiplied by a homogenous matrix to make the final matrix 3x4 instead of 3x3. |
A vector of matrices corresponding to cameras with the same index. Each matrix is the inverse intrinsic matrix of the camera multiplied by a homogenous matrix to make the final matrix 3x4 instead of 3x3. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 3x4 projection matrix. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 3x4 inverse projection matrix. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 4x4 pose matrix. A pose matrix is the inverse of a projection matrix. It describes image coordinates in terms of world coordinates. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 4x4 rotation matrix. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 4x4 inverse rotation matrix. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 4x4 translation matrix. |
Vector with matrices corresponding to each camera in the setup in corresponding index. Each matrix is a 4x4 inverse translation matrix. |
Has the shared CamMats object been already initialized? |